Friday, May 16, 2014

The Lady And Her Five Suitors: Part One

“This is a collect call from a prisoner at the Qatar Prison Camp. Caller, state your name now…”
Jamila clutched her phone doing her best to keep her hand from shaking as she heard the rough, gravely voice respond over the line. “Hassan”
The automated voice kept Jamila from losing it right then and there. “You are not obligated to accept this call, if you accept QPC is not liable for any harm that may come to you and you may be subject to state interrogations. Please chose carefully. Do you accept the charges?”
“Yes.” She couldn’t say no, she couldn’t just leave him in the camp with no explanation of how he ended up in there. They were so close to their freedom, how could he fuck it all up like this?
There was a click on the line and Hassan cleared his throat. It was a signal for her not to say anything that might tip off anyone who might be listening… And she knew as well as he did that someone was always listening. Jamila let out a soft sigh and finally spoke. “So, brother? What sort of mess have you gotten yourself into this time?”
“It was a simple misunderstanding. An old debt that I had paid back, but someone else thought I still owed. It ended in a brawl and unfortunately I was detained by peacekeepers. They say I have a record, that I can’t leave here. I keep telling them they have the wrong person but they insist that I am a wanted man. I need you to come visit me, come and bless me with your presence. It will calm my time inside this hell hole, sister.”
Another code… Hassan needed her to come and seduce the guards so that he could make a get away. Of course they had the right man, Hassan was wanted in all of the controlled territories. Apparently his last attempt to scrub his fingerprints from the international database hadn’t worked. Another ten million credits down the drain. If only he hadn’t been caught, they could be on the plane and be free in less than three hours. Lebanon, she sighed again and glanced down at the plane tickets on the table, it was her only chance at freedom and the only chance for her and Hassan to live a normal life. Now that was slipping away.
“Of course, brother. It would honor me to do so.” She wanted to gag on the words, pretending to be brother and sister when in truth he was her lover. Her only respite from a cold and menacing husband. Her husband was away on business and this had been the perfect opportunity for her to flee.
“Thank you. I’ll see you soon.”
The line went dead. Minutes ticked by as Jamila eyed the tickets. Maybe she should just run without him, let him rot in the mess he’d made for himself. She shook her head. There was no leaving him, without him her heart was empty. But there were problems with his plan, problems that could be deadly. Qatar Prison Camp wasn’t your run of the mill detainment facility. It was impenetrable, high-tech, and with security precautions around every corner. Even for a legal prisoner release it would take the signatures of the four most powerful men in the region: the Kazi, the Wali, the Wazir, and the King. Her eyes lit up, that was the answer. A legal release, it would not only get him out but it would also clear his record.
She paced the living room and called in one of her maids. “Do we have any compression suits?”
“Yes, ma’am. But only one right now, the master took the rest with him on his trip.”
Jamila’s nose wrinkled at the though of her husband dressing up in one of the suits in order to seduce yet another young woman to add to his growing list of wives. It made her stomach churn, but she had fallen for his false charms as well when she was younger and so did her father. She was her master’s first wife and as such she was given the luxury of having her own home away from the others, she never mingled with them, never acknowledged them. To her they were nothing, but now they would be there to hopefully distract from her absence at least for a few days once her husband returned and she and Hassan were safe in Lebanon.
Her maid said something but Jamila was lost in thought. Finally she shook her head. “What was that?”
“Would you like us to make some more? There is still enough material left over to sew a few more suits.”
A sly smile spread across Jamila’s crimson lips. “Yes, four more please. And call the carpenter. Tell him I have a job for him and I will pay handsomely.” Grabbing scrap of paper she jotted down measurements and a rough sketch then handed it to her maid. “I need it for storage, and it is a rush job, I’ll pay triple his going rate, plus ten thousand in unified credits.”
The maids eyebrow shot up. “What will we be storing?”
“Something valuable.”
The woman nodded and ran out of the penthouse. Jamila turned her attention to the window that took up the entire eastern wall and looked down on the bustling city below. She tapped her manicured finger nail against the glass plotting for what would be her last chance to escape her high-rise prison.

There was a reason her husband kept her locked up in her penthouse. He fell under her spell when she was barely out childhood. Now he feared that any man who might look upon her would be captured by her beauty and would try to take her from him. For a greedy man, Jamila was his prize possession. And while he kept other wives, she was always the grand prize. Now her curse that had shackled her to a wretched man would help her free her lover. At least if all went according to plan.
It didn’t take long to dress up, the clothes she choose both accentuated her assets and covered enough to evoke some mystery. Tight mini-skirt, low-cut silk blouse, all in black. Her eyes were lined with Kohl, her lips stained red. Last but not least she grabbed her burqa and slid it over her more modern clothing. Covered from head to toe by the dark fabric she slipped her feet into her favorite pair of black high heels and grabbed her keys.
The car was waiting for her as soon as she left the building. Downside of being held captive was that everyone always knew when you were leaving. The driver stood holding the door open for her. “Where to, Lady Fehr?”
“I have some errands to run.” Luckily for her she had her driver wrapped around her little finger. As she passed by him she ran her hand over his crotch and laughed as the man gave a frustrated groan.
“The usual spot then?”
“Yes, after that you’ll give me the car for three hours. No questions asked.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
She grinned beneath her veil. Men were so easy to manipulate, but what she had planned next might not be as easy as seducing her driver. It would take all her cunning to pull off this plan.

An hour later she was pulling into the gated parking lot of Qatar Prison Camp. She stepped out of the car and shed the black burqa in the passenger seat. Adjusting her mini skirt she strolled purposely towards the entrance. The man working the electronic monitoring system sized her up and down, licking his lips as his gaze settled on her cleavage. “Can I help you, miss?”
“My name is Lady Jamila Fehr. My brother has been detained here and I have a visitation request to see him.”
The man glanced at his records and nodded. “I see he called you this morning?”
She leaned over the desk and glanced at the phone records from this morning. “Yes.”
“It says here in your conversation he asked you to come bless him, he says he’s innocent and wishes you to give him peace while he works at clearing his name?”
“Yes, that is correct.” She shifted her hips, arching her back slightly to give him a better look down her shirt.
“You know in order for anyone to be released from this facility you will need a signed document from the Kazi, the Wali, the Wazir, and the King. That won’t be an easy task.”
Jamila leaned forward, giving her best innocent look. “Oh no. My brother must be in some terrible danger. May I speak to the Kazi now?”
“Well… He’s usually very busy. I might be able to get you in for a price.”
Her eyebrow shot upward. “A price?”
The man pulled open a draw at his desk and held up a pair of silk panties. “I like to collect things.”
Inwardly she smiled, outwardly she blushed. “I’m so embarrassed, I couldn’t possibly… It’s indecent.”
The man grinned. “If you want your brother freed, then you will do it. And if you let me take them off of you I’ll make sure you get in to see all four of them today.”
Jackpot. Her innocent act would only hold up so much longer, now was the time to seal the deal. She nodded and turned around, bending over the desk. “Make it quick, please, I can’t bare this shame.”
He was on his feet and around the desk in a matter of seconds. She reached back and shimmied her skirt up exposing her ass to him. The black silk panties she wore were thin enough to give him full view of every inch of her. He let out a low whistle. His clammy hands ran up her thighs and hooked the sides of her panties, slowly tugging them off. He was a creep, that was for sure but luckily he was a creep who knew his boundaries, he was merely an ‘all look but no touch’ kind of man which worked in her favor. As soon as he had his prize he buzzed the door open. “First door on your right. The Wali will be in the blue hall, it’s the office with no door. The Wazir will be walking the c-block hall way where your brother is located. And the King will be in his chamber. I’ll notify all of them they will be having a visitor very soon.”
She nodded and headed for the first door on her right. Show-time…

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